本文编写于 1633 天前,最后修改于 1199 天前,其中某些信息可能已经过时。

How to use markdown to do paper work

Create ref work

touch mybib.lib

then copy the bibtext from google scholar or Baidu 学术

Install the plugin in VS code

install Pandoc Citer in the VS code plugin shop

Install pandoc

Method 1 :

install Anaconda and all is done

Method 2 :

#for ubuntu
sudo apt-get install pandoc
#for MacOS
sudo brew install pandoc
#for centOS
sudo yum install pandoc

Method 3:

Download from Github release Click and choose the version

Use the ref work in paper

add the header on the top of the paper.md

bibliography: [./myref.bib]    //the same file of the paper.md但是斜杠后面的这个注释记得删掉,不然会报错

then use a @ to choose the ref work

Github csl link

if you want any ref form ,please download the csl file in this website citation-style-language/styles

like harvard reference form, download elsevier-harvard.csl in China, most reference form is chinese-gb7714-2005-numeric.csl

Transform to docx

use pandoc to transfer the md to docx

pandoc --filter pandoc-citeproc --bibliography=myref.bib --csl=elsevier-harvard.csl paper.md -o paper.docx

and all is done

Last work

use office word to decorate the detail of paper.docx